Why is it a good idea to look  for a job during the summer ?

Why is it a good idea to look for a job during the summer ?

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IT Jobs and Recruitment Insights

​​​​​​Most people think September-October or during the first half of the year is the best time to look for a new job.  This is often a misconception and you could miss out on some great opportunities.

So, why should you consider looking for a job during summer?


  • During summer people are busy in planning their holidays so many professionals will hold off on the job search till autumn: the level of competition drops and the opportunities for your application to be considered will increase dramatically. Beyond that, hiring managers will spend more time reviewing your CV  in detail.


  • If you are looking for a job abroad, the summer could be the perfect time to get it! Hiring a person from another country requires more time than hiring a local employee. Scheduling interviews, processing the necessary paperwork and organising accommodation are just a few of the things that both candidates and companies have to arrange. Companies try to anticipate this longer recruitment process to have the candidates ready to start the job in autumn. Summer can also be the right time for employees who are moving abroad with their families,  this way they can easily relocate the children without missing school.


  • No matter what the season companies are always hiring new people. The summer is essential to schedule and train their new employees. Training can take months and companies cannot afford to have employees not ready to start in September. So, hiring in July, training in August and starting in September is the perfect deal!


  • Finally, another important reason why you could prove successful in securing a career during the summer is the annual leave coverage. As short-term contracts are now booming, companies are willing to hire new employees to cover holidays by proposing short-term or daily rate contracts. In many of these cases if the new person is talented they have a good chance of getting permanent job. This is a good way to start a potential career!


      So, if you don't want miss any occosion, check our new jobs and apply now! 

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