4 Main Signs Indicating It’s Time To Switch Jobs

4 Main Signs Indicating It’s Time To Switch Jobs

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by Sean Whelan
IT Jobs and Recruitment Insights

Can you pinpoint the exact moment when you realised you needed a fresh start in terms of your working life? Are you able to determine the factors and circumstances that lead to this decision? It’s never just a single reason that leads to this moment. It usually is a mix of different elements, piling up over a period of time, that makes you realise it’s time to start the next chapter. 

You begin to see it when the bad moments start dominating your good times, that’s when you know it’s time to move on. You might have had a good journey for the most of it or maybe it was the opposite with a lot of hurdles, but once you’re saturated you need to accept it and look for a change.

Sticking it out, out of loyalty or fear of change is not the right decision. This could be harmful to not only your career but will begin to impact your mental health. That being said, this does not mean the minute you experience a minor inconvenience or have a moment of disagreement with your boss or peers, you quit. You need to weigh out your reasons and really consider how the different factors have influenced your decision and whether those reasons are justified.


The signs that suggest you are losing interest in your current job

getting tired of current job

In today's world we have almost gone virtual in most areas of employment someway or another. Interviews are being conducted on Zoom or Microsoft Teams, induction days and onboarding training are all virtually presented to new starters and presentations are being projected by a “share screen” button on a video call. Sometimes, this virtual world and certain company specific processes might not be for everyone, causing you to explore new job opportunities.

So, how do you know that you’ve reached the end of the road in your current job? Working from home has added a whole new list of reasons as to why you’re ready to move on. Maybe working from home or in a hybrid working condition isn't for you, you get much more work done in the office, or the opposite. The place you work for has enforced a return to 5-days on-site working schedule. This might be harder to get back into and could make you as an individual, less productive. 

  1. Complaining more, enjoying it less 

    This is one of the most common signs that may indicate that you need to move elsewhere. The bad times start outweighing the good. 

    When we complain about work or anything for that matter, we instinctively think of the negatives and the reasoning behind them. It is a learned behavior that keeps on getting worse as it develops. 

    This sort of negative perspective will not be good for you or your company in the long run. It's important to be able to find the right outlet (maybe a friend or family) to get things off your chest in a healthy way. It's normal to do so and can give you a sense of relief and a “weight lifted off your shoulder”. 

  2. You’re always tempted by new opportunities out there

    After a few weeks of thinking about it, you have finally done it. You have started constantly browsing through jobs online. Every opportunity seems more exciting than the situation you are in at the moment.

    Main reasons people are looking for new opportunities currently:

    - Fully Remote

    Ever since our world changed in the year of 2020, there has been a split in the way we want to work. As employees we now know that we can work from home which saves money, increases productivity and saves time. So you’re inclined towards companies who can offer this option. 

    - Higher Salary 

    Money really makes the world go round. Wages are one of the first things we think of when we want to switch jobs. We have often heard candidates admitting to taking a higher paying job that is in an industry that they generally would not have taken interest in.

  3. You are no longer motivated when it comes to your work

    It's important to have a sense of satisfaction when doing your job. It gives the feeling that you have accomplished something and that you are pleased with what you are doing for a living, if you as the employee do not feel that way over time then it could indicate a change in careers.

    Some examples that indicate you are not motivated by your job may be that you are no longer sharing ideas with your peers, you have no interest in developing your knowledge and growing within your career with your current employer and you simply have stopped taking initiative. 

    Another popular reason for feeling demotivated at work could be due to your superiors. You and your boss are not getting along which creates a tough and uncomfortable work environment, which will reduce your level of productivity.

  4. Your mental and physical health have taken a hit 

    A job that you are not happy in, and one where you are unsatisfied with your surroundings may have a huge impact on your mental and physical state. It is important to seek help when needed but sometimes the right thing to do, to protect your mental health is to switch jobs.

    Signs to watch out for form your health perspective: 

    - Sleep patterns may be changed which causes tiredness during the day.

    - Eating habits can be affected. You resort to eating quick and non-nutritious meals. 

    - Your general peace of mind, your behaviour and attitude towards daily routine.

    - Mentally, it can lead to negative thoughts which can in some cases cause anxiety


What to watch out for when switching jobs in 2021?

things to look out for while searching for jobs

Have we changed our habits in our approach when browsing for jobs online nowadays? I think so. We can all agree that now a higher percentage of employees will look for jobs that offer either fully remote work or a hybrid approach. 

Some employers in Ireland will eventually want a full 5-days-a-week on site work environment as we prepare to overcome the pandemic and return to some sort of normality we saw in 2019. 

It could be the case where most employers will implement a hybrid approach which is fine at the start but if things change and all restrictions are eased, you as the employee need to prepare for a change in working conditions. 

On a regular occurrence I have noticed that most candidates I speak with were happy to be given the opportunity of going into the office a number of times a week but also being able to work from home. 

A survey was carried out and it suggests that 80% of people in Ireland prefer some sort of change in working in the office. 24% of people said they would like to work from home 2-3 times a week and the rest in the office and 20% stated that they would only rather work from home 1-2 times a week.


Are job seekers looking for a lower paying job to be granted flexible working conditions?

A survey has been carried out in NUI Galway that represents what the majority feel on the various different working options that could be on offer. 

Out of 6442 responds from the survey, these were the results:

  • 32% would like to work remotely on a daily basis

  • 53% would like to work remotely several times a week

  • 10% would like to work remotely several times a month

  • 5% do not want to work remotely 


The next steps you take to quit your job 

leaving your job


Office vector created by stories - www.freepik.com

  1. Brainstorm your plans to leave- do not spontaneously leave without a plan in place.

  2. End on good terms- It's always better not to burn bridges when you leave. Provide enough notice for them to replace you and show your professionalism when ending your employment.

  3. Exit Interview- This is a great way to provide honest feedback about your time working with your employer, end things on a good note and maybe suggest ideas for the future.

  4. Wrap it up- Finish any projects or tasks that are still due in the coming days before your notice. This is a great way of showing your respect to your soon to be ex-employer.


Learning to adapt to new surroundings and circumstances is something both employers and employees need to take on board and it's not always easy. That's why here at GemPool we always make sure we ask our candidates what it is they want, and we find optimal job opportunities around them and our clients alike. The one important thing you as the employee can do, is be prepared and plan accordingly. 

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this topic, or perhaps you are looking for a new opportunity do not hesitate to contact me at sean.whelan@gempool.ie or head over to our career insights page for more information. 



Cover image attribution: People vector created by pch.vector - www.freepik.com

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