All You Need To Know About The World Of Java
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What is Java?
According to multiple sources, the Java programming language has been the most popular language since it was created in 1995. The language was created by James Gosling. Java is widely used in the software world and it is expressly created for the world of the internet. It facilitates computers talking to each other. Java was designed to be like the C++ programming language, but compared to C++ it is an easier language to use and operate, and it implements an object-oriented programming model. Java can be used to build software applications to run on a single computer or be distributed among servers and clients.
Why is Java a popular language?
Java as a programming language is very unique and very popular. The main features of the languages have been the main reasons for its great success.
The key characteristics are as follows:
- Programs created in Java offer portability in a network
- Java is object-oriented
- The code is durable
- Data is Secure
- It is an easy language for developers to learn
Java Platforms
The three main platforms that Java Developers can apply are:
- Java SE- Basic, unique, applications are developed by using Java Standard Edition.
- Java EE- Java Enterprise edition. Was formerly known as J2EE. This platform provides users with the ability to design server-side parts that can react to a web-based request-response cycle.
- Java ME- Java offers a lightweight platform for mobile users known as Java Micro Edition.
Main uses of Java
It allows developers to craft programs which use popular software design patterns along with best practices using the various parts from within Java EE.
A key component of the Java ecosystem are the big differentiating elements of open source and community-built projects along with software platforms and Apache foundations. It is noted, that the Apache foundation contains a variety of projects written using Java.
All the Java EE environments can also be used in the cloud. It facilitates Developers to be able to build, deploy, and monitor Java applications on a manageable level.
In relation to mobiles, Java is the most frequently used programming language for Android applications. Java is noted for its security which is the prime reason why Android Developers use it as a device.
As an objected-oriented model, Java is also popular because of its framework for networking, IO, and threading.
The limitations of Java includes that its syntax is seen as too wordy. To help overcome this problem several peripheral programming languages have been created, such as Groovy. Also, Java is seen as complex and slow by some users. To deal with this criticism, Scala was created which addresses a lot of Java's failings which did reduce its ability to scale.
Java frameworks
In relation to frameworks, Java is the main body of prewritten code which facilitates you adding your own code. Bearing in mind, there are a lot of frameworks out there that have wide-ranging applications.
Frameworks with Java include Java, Struts, Spring, GWT, Hibernate, Grails, Vaadin, Blade, DropWizard, and Play. Spring is the main framework in Java and it is way ahead of its competitors.
Spring was developed a number of years ago and it is still widely regarded within the industry. Spring provides a lightweight container that underpins durable applications at speed. The companies that use springs frameworks for application development include Amazon, eBay, and Netflix.
The emergence of cloud Computing in Java
The biggest way in which the cloud has on Java Development is the tools that they use. The impact of the cloud hasn’t changed the way in which they write code. “Cloud” is a buzz word for many Developers. There are a lot of advantages of using Cloud computing within IT such as:
- It is highly cost-effective
- It allows for high availability
There are three main clouds used. These are Public, Private, and Hybrid.
- Public Cloud: A cloud rendered public is when it is open for public use. The main public clouds are AWS, Azure, and GCP
- Private Cloud: This cloud infrastructure is used only for the use of an organization. It requires a significant level of engagement
- Hybrid Cloud: Hybrid Cloud is comprised of a mixture of two or more clouds (Private, Public, etc)
The main Public cloud used in Java Development would be AWS. Amazon gives all the instruments, documentation, and test code that you need to create, secure, solid, and versatile Java applications on the AWS cloud. AWS has many different services such as Amazon S3, DynamoDB, and Amazon EC2.
Salaries for Java Developers
Currently, at GemPool, we are seeing the following as the key Java salary levels for Dublin:
- Junior Level- €35-50k (up to two years)
- Mid-Level- €50-€70k (2-5 years)
- Senior Level- €70k +
- Team Lead- €90k +
- Java Architect- €100k+
The figures above are based on the Dublin market and salaries for Java developers outside of Dublin are considerably lower. It should also be noted that salaries can be higher in some of the larger multinational organisations.
Here is a full list of expected tech salary rates in Dublin.
Java Development in Ireland
There are numerous programming languages being used in Ireland. Java would have over 20% of the market and it is deemed the most popular language due to its ease of usage. Most users find it very practical. There is a very good market for Java Developers within Ireland. The market for Java developers has attracted many international computer programmers to come to Ireland. The multinational sector including the IT sector has proven very effective at attracting these candidates. Dublin and Ireland are a major Tech Hub, and this has enticed a large number of well qualified individuals. As Ireland is now the only English-speaking country in the EU, it will be even more popular to migrants from within the EU. This bodes well for the attraction of Java Developers. From my experience, Irelands Tech Hub attracts candidates from as far afield as Spain, India, China, Brazil, Russia, etc.
The market for Java Developers was very strong until the coronavirus and we hope when the current lockdown finishes the recruitment drive will resume. Ireland has proved attractive for Java Developers because of its rich culture, easy lifestyle, and a place for good craic. Dublin is the dominant attraction but other popular destinations include Cork, Galway, Limerick, and Athlone. There will be growth in the Java development market in Ireland after the coronavirus has passed and lockdown restrictions have eased.
Java Jobs in Ireland
During my time in recruitment I’ve worked with companies in multiple industries including Retail, e-commerce, Insurance, financial, voice recognition, Security, etc. At times it could prove difficult for a Java Developer to transfer sector, as companies could be using different platforms. A wide range of Java Developers are required in the Irish market ranging from Junior Software Developers to Architect level. It is not unknown for Developers to become Architects within 10 years of working in the IT sector.
Advice to Java Developers on Salary Negotiations
Review Glassdoor to establish opportunities – By reviewing Glassdoor you can establish the median salary for your experience. Be aware of your net worth: Take account of your experience. Be prepared for negotiation: Try to get this going through phone or e-mail. Highlight your performance over the relevant period: If you are looking for an increase in salary be sure you are able to back up with examples. Don’t be aggressive and stay positive: It is important to keep an even temperament because you will be able to think clearer. Also, you may require a reference from the particular individual at the end of your tenure.
Ireland as a location for Java Developers
There has been a phenomenal growth in foreign direct investment in Ireland over the last 30 years. This is due mainly to a low corporation tax of 12.5% and Ireland being a member of the EU. Most of the world's largest IT companies are located in Ireland. This has proven a great opportunity for the emergence of Java Development in the Sector. Worldwide, there are over 9 million Java Developers. In a recent study in Ireland, there was over 10,000 Java Developers in Ireland.
A large number of these Developers are foreign nationals with many coming from the EU as they do not require a work permit in Ireland. Outside of the EU, we have many Developers coming from diverse locations such as India, Brazil, China, Egypt, and Russia. This mix of nationalities has brought great innovation as well as experience to the sector. Most candidates come to Ireland as there is a higher salary for Java Developers than there would be in their own country. The English language hasn’t been a barrier to attracting all these nationalities. Some of the larger organisations sponsor candidates from non-EU countries. These candidates would come across either on a Stamp 1 or a Stamp 1 ICT visa. For the Stamp 1 candidates, if they stay with their respective employer for two years, they will be granted a Stamp 4. Stamp 4 facilitates residency within Ireland. In recent years, the government has granted Stamp1G visas to non-EU citizens who complete a master’s degree (or better) in Ireland. This visa gives individuals the opportunity to work and reside in Ireland for two years after their graduation.
A lot of Java Developers come to Ireland as a result of:
- Competitive Salaries
- High Standard of Java Development in Ireland
- Irelands Unique culture
- Good location (regular flights)
- English speaking country
Current Impact of the Coronavirus on the Irish market
Ireland, like most countries has had an economic lockdown where businesses have been closed for numerous months and there is uncertainty with the easing of the various restrictions which have been enforced. The IT sector has not been hit as hard as other sectors as most individuals are working from home and this should be beneficial when lockdown restrictions are lifted. Unfortunately, some companies have been hit hard by the impact of the virus and some developers have been made redundant. This has led to recruitment opportunities. Most economic commentators now feel there will be a recession which could have an impact on IT recruiters.
Ireland has proven to be a good country for Java Developers. This sector will flourish when the lockdown has been lifted as most staff have worked from home. Hopefully, there will be an economic recovery from the impact of the virus. Ireland hasn’t been hit as hard as other countries and should be able to respond quickly. Java has been the most popular language in Ireland for the past number of years and has a great future. Since its creation in 1995, Java has done extremely well and is now highly respected. It has made life a lot easier for developers who use it and has resulted in them creating quality output.
In my opinion, Ireland is the best country for Java Developers to come to in Europe as English is the spoken language and the salaries are high not to mention the countries unique culture. There is a good quality of life here, with people with diverse backgrounds located in Ireland. The market in Ireland for Java Developers is incredibly competitive and will be for the foreseeable future. Java programming language is regarded as the best due to the distinctive fashion in which the Java code is executed.
You can check out our Java careers page to browse through our live jobs.