The Interviewers Got Back To Us And This Is What Went Wrong Last Time
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by Namratha Ambat
Job Interview Preparation
Key points to keep in mind while interviwing for a job:
You could be the best candidate out of the pile of applications and one wrong step from your end could change the course of your chances at bagging the job. We have had candidates that meet the job description to the mark and a slip up from them during their first interaction with the interviewer cost them a wonderful opportunity. From the direct feedback we have collected so far we are going to try and prep you for your next shot at an interview.
Appearance plays a key role
Sloppy and late could end your interview faster than you realise. When they said first impressions are important they meant it. This might seem like a common element everyone is usually prepared for, but you would be surprised by how many times we heard back from potential employers that the interviewee had not made even the slightest effort when it came to their appearance during the interview. Study the type of work environment and always be prepared for it. Dressing up could never hurt anybody, dressing down, on the other hand, could lead to the loss of a great job opportunity. Keep it clean and do not get off on the wrong foot.
Always pre-plan questions to ask in an interview
At the end of every interview, there is a dedicated portion of time where the interviewer lets you clear up any questions you might have for them. Having no questions prepared for this section could appear as a red flag, since this mainly represents your awareness regarding the company and also shows initiative and motivation from your end. The more information you can collect, the more questions you will have. This simple research on your part restores the interviewer’s faith in your potential dedication towards the job.
We would recommend having at least 10 questions prepared for the interviewer, as during the course of the interview most of them will be answered and you are not left stranded when the interviewer finally asks you if they could clear up anything for you. -
Cutting off the interviewer
It is understandable that you are trying to put your point across and answer the question the interviewer has for you, but we often hear from your potential employers that, in order to answer these questions they are often cut off by the interviewee. Cutting off the interviewer is not the best move, let them complete what they have to say before you can go ahead and answer them. Another factor to watch out for would be to not skip any questions they have for you. By taking a new direction and not specifically answering what they had initially asked you could raise a few eyebrows. Try to ensure your answers are relevant to the question asked, as well as conscience.
Here’s a little pointer- stop and ask the interviewer whether your answer so far satisfies the question they had for you, or would they like to have heard more. This brings you back in control as you are able to gain more perspective on what exactly the interviewer is looking for from your end and ensures that you are not going off on a tangent.
Watch what you say now
Getting comfortable through the interview process is common, but always keep tabs on what you are saying. One slight comment in the wrong direction could come crashing down on all the effort you put in through the rest of the interview. One strong example of a mistake that was made, was when we heard that the candidates unintentionally made racists comments in a particular instance and that is never well received. Your intentions might have been harmless, but your words told a different story. Always gather your thoughts and provide crisp answers that would not depict you in the wrong light. It is important in today’s work environment to maintain a tolerant and respectful front and if your answers indicate otherwise, you might not progress further to attain the job.
Negatively portraying your current employer? Big NO!
If you are making a switch between jobs or are in search of a new opportunity, you will be questioned about your current or previous employer. Articulate your answers and reasons well before speaking about your past experience. If you go on to represent them in a bad light and speak ill of them, it would give the interviewer a highly negative impression regarding your loyalty. They believe if you are willing to portray your old employers in an unfavourable manner, you would not think twice before doing the same with them.
Hope these pointers help you prepare better for your interviews in the future. We are here to provide you with better insight into different elements in the recruitment and job world, hope every bit helps. To stay ahead of the game follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with the latest developments in the recruitment environment.