Cyber Security And Where It’s Heading in 2019

Cyber Security And Where It’s Heading in 2019

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by Namratha Ambat
IT Jobs and Recruitment Insights

Cyber security and where it's headed

It’s a new threat everyday and personal data is always at risk, security around personal information should be the priority of all businesses. Cybersecurity has gained significant attention in today’s world with all companies taking all their businesses digital. It involves technologies, processes and practices designed to protect computers, networks, programs and data from unauthorized access.

With businesses trying to enhance our experience on their pages, there has been a growth of chatbots and AI on multiple web pages today. This has increased the information flow towards businesses. We are becoming increasingly dependant on IT with the constant rise of e-commerce, payment cards and messaging apps that have added to the level of personal information collected and stored by companies, providing more data available for the taking for those who are looking. Lack of layered security within these companies could lead to several issues in terms of loss of sensitive data, identity theft and causes difficulties to the regular flow of business functions.

The cybersecurity of several big names in the industry have been challenged recently. The data breaches surrounding Amazon, Facebook, Macy’s and Delta Airlines have all been making news over the past year. There were also questions raised about the US elections and involvement of cyber tampering. So far all the trends have indicated that most companies have been more reactive than proactive in terms of protecting their valuable data from cyber attacks. As for 2019, cybersecurity concerns have been at the forefront of all the topics being discussed within leading companies and their requirement to up their security to tackle arising threats. It has indeed been predicted that 2019 will most likely see a massive level of cybersecurity attacks, to date. Learning from mistakes made in the past all organisations irrespective of their size have made it a point to deploy effective cyber security measures.

Use of personal data

On your part as users you can control the level of information you give out. Using free applications and sign ups might seem tempting and harmless, but it is this information that is sold in large numbers to third parties. One such scandal that made quite a large noise was the one to do with Facebook; the company has since tried to deploy different measures to regain user trust. Machine learning is also coming into question. It’s helping us while creating an easier gateway for attackers. Being in an age where we are heavily reliant on automation we are constantly interacting with machines and are conditioned to handover data to companies at the drop of a hat. This gives the attackers space to insert themselves into the existing process to draw information. IoT is gaining a great level of momentum, along with BYOD policy in the industry as we speak and the only way to counter any threat arising from this would be by deploying real-time threat detection.

There are steps being taken by companies in the direction of improvements. For instance, changes are slowly taking shape within the industry as we see even from Facebook. The giant known for personal data harvesting is slowly installing end-to-end encryption, along the similar lines of its counterpart WhatsApp to make up for all those times they fell short in protecting customer data. As the attacks are becoming more sophisticated, the good news is that the companies are able to recognise the incoming attacks and prevent much damage.

As a result of all this, the demand for cybersecurity professionals will most certainly increase. We ourselves are looking for a strong profile to join one of our client’s teams. If you’re in the market and looking for a new role, have a look and maybe we might be able to help. To stay ahead of the game follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with the latest developments in the recruitment environment.

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